Tag: due process

  • Justice prevails: Iboga case professor is reinstated

    As of yesterday, Professor Dan Gladish, the Miami Conservatory director who had been unfairly recommended for termination over the iboga case, has been reinstated with tenure and at his former rank. Justice has prevailed! AAUP and Professor Gladish are deeply grateful for the community’s support and concern. We have no doubt that it made a difference to the…

  • Tenure-line and non-tenure-line at Miami: the real numbers

    Tenure-line and non-tenure-line at Miami: the real numbers

    Minutes posted this week for the April 23, 2018 meeting of Senate contained a significant correction. A chart on overall full-time faculty distribution that had been handed out at the meeting seemed to show that tenure-line hiring was trending up significantly. The correction in the minutes shows that that is not the case. Tenure-line numbers…

  • Miami’s “Boldly Creative” Profit Focus: How to Reduce the Risks

    Miami’s new “Boldly Creative Initiatives” plan — funded by $50 million that’s just been swept from department and program budgets—is an effort to respond to a difficult situation for higher ed. Moody’s, the bond rating agency, has just revised the bond outlook for higher ed downward. Higher education’s financial outlook is not good. Publics such…

  • Letter in support of Georgette Fleischer

    The leadership of Miami’s AAUP chapter have submitted a letter to Sian Beilock, president of Barnard College, in support of Georgette Fleischer, an adjunct who has taught there for seventeen years and who was abruptly and unfairly terminated on the heels of the formation of a contingent faculty union at Barnard. Fleischer is a leader…

  • Got academic freedom in the classroom?

    Got academic freedom in the classroom?

    Are you a lecturer or visiting professor at Miami, or do you have a friend who is? As you may know from reading other recent posts (or if you’ve read Miami’s policy manual), you know NTT faculty at Miami—including not only visiting and per-credit-hour faculty but also lecturers and clinical faculty—don’t have due-process protections should they face…

  • Do NTT faculty at Miami have academic freedom?

    Do NTT faculty at Miami have academic freedom?

    Do NTT faculty at Miami have academic freedom? What about due process in case of non-renewal?* Fact: The answer to both questions is no. While Miami asserts both the value and existence of academic freedom at Miami, it provides due process protections only for tenured faculty — not for non-tenure-track faculty, now the majority of faculty, whose…