Tag: tenure-track faculty

  • Free speech and the university

    Free speech and the university

    A couple of important items related to academic freedom: 1) “Over the weekend, during a speech to activists at the Conservative Political Action Conference, President Trump pledged to issue an executive order that would deny federal research funds to colleges and universities that do not ‘support free speech.’ AAUP’s position on this is clear. We…

  • Tenure-line and non-tenure-line at Miami: the real numbers

    Tenure-line and non-tenure-line at Miami: the real numbers

    Minutes posted this week for the April 23, 2018 meeting of Senate contained a significant correction. A chart on overall full-time faculty distribution that had been handed out at the meeting seemed to show that tenure-line hiring was trending up significantly. The correction in the minutes shows that that is not the case. Tenure-line numbers…

  • Why should contingency matter to tenure-line faculty?

    Why should contingency matter to tenure-line faculty?

    First, what’s contingency? As defined by the GAO* and AAUP, “contingent faculty” is an umbrella term encompassing all non-tenure-system faculty — that is, faculty who, to different degrees, experience precarity. Contingent faculty teach about 60% of the credit hours taught at Miami.  Contingency matters a LOT to tenure-line faculty. Why? Reduction in TT numbers leads to increased service…

  • What’s Miami spending the most on?

    Our chapter has begun commissioning a series of working papers on the state of Miami. The first, on Miami University Economic and Financial Trends, is by economics professor James Brock. The trends are worth noting. As a comparison, bear in mind that the Consumer Price Index rose by 48% in the last ten years. Meanwhile, at Miami: Total costs…