National AAUP Recommendations on the Roles of the Faculty and the Board of Trustees in University Governance

From the AAUP Statement on the Governance of Colleges and Universities, 1966, updated 1990.

(Also see The Faculty’s Role in Tenure Policy Decisions: State & National Norms.)

“Faculty status and related matters are primarily a faculty responsibility; this area includes appointments, reappointments, decisions not to reappoint, promotions, the granting of tenure, and dismissal. The primary responsibility of the faculty for such matters is based upon the fact that its judgment is central to general educational policy. Furthermore, scholars in a particular field of activity have the chief competence for judging the work of their colleagues; in such competence it is implicit that responsibility exists for both adverse and favorable judgements. Likewise, there is the more general competence of experienced faculty committees having a broader charge. Determinations in these matters should first be by faculty action through established procedures, reviewed by the chief academic officers with the concurrence of the board. The governing board and president should, on questions of faculty status, as in other matters where faculty has primary responsibility, concur with the faculty judgement except in rare instances and for compelling reasons which should be stated in detail.”
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“The governing board of an institution of higher education, while maintaining a general overview, entrusts the conduct of administration to the administrative officers—the president and deans—and the conduct of teaching and research to faculty. The board should undertake appropriate self-limitation.”